pa12材料物性表英文 -PA12行业百科
Density: The density of PA12 is the mass per unit volume of the material. It is measured in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm?).
Tensile Strength: Tensile strength is the maximum stress a material can withstand while being stretched or pulled before it breaks. It is measured in megapascals (MPa).
Tensile Modulus: Tensile modulus or Young's modulus is the ratio of stress to strain in the linear elastic region of the material. It describes the stiffness of the material under tensile load and is measured in gigapascals (GPa).
Elongation at Break: Elongation at break is the percentage of change in length of a material at the point of failure. It is a measure of ductility and toughness of the material.
Flexural Strength: Flexural strength is the ability of a material to resist bending. It is measured in megapascals (MPa).
Flexural Modulus: Flexural modulus is the ratio of stress to strain in the linear elastic region of a material under a bending load. It is measured in gigapascals (GPa).
Impact Strength: Impact strength measures a material's ability to absorb energy when it is hit or struck by a heavy object. It is measured in joules per meter (J/m).
Coefficient of Friction: Coefficient of friction is a measure of the amount of force required to slide one surface against another. It is a dimensionless number.
Heat Deflection Temperature: Heat deflection temperature is the temperature at which a material starts to deform under a given load. It is measured in degrees Celsius (°C).
Melting Temperature: Melting temperature is the temperature at which a solid material changes into a liquid. It is measured in degrees Celsius (°C).
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